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Pharmacies to Terminate from TRICARE Networks Effective December 15, 2021.

 Beginning on December 15, 2021, a major PSAO’s network of pharmacies will no longer be part of TRICARE’s pharmacy network, which is managed by Express Scripts, due to a contract dispute between TRICARE and the PSAO. TRICARE members currently receiving prescriptions from affected Pharmacies have already received notification from TRICARE of the upcoming change. If you have questions about your PSAO’s TRICARE contract and are concerned of the potential impact to your pharmacy’s ability to provide continued care to TRICARE members, you have options.

Our wealth of both pharmacy and PBM experience has allowed us to successfully guide multiple pharmacy clients through the PBM enrollment process. Call Boesen and Snow Law today to determine your pharmacy’s exposure and for guidance on obtaining a direct contract with TRICARE through Express Scripts if you are at risk of termination from TRICARE’s pharmacy network.

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